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Grow Your Chiropractic Practice

Chiropractic Marketing is a hot topic.  Everyone seems to be asking the question... "how do I get more chiropractic patients?"  And you will hear all kinds of different answers and solutions.  A lot of them are based on personal preference... and a lot of them work great.  Some of the chiropractic marketing advice you hear is based on what I call the "shiny object".  That's the newest whiz bang in the chiropractic industry (actually all industries).

Someone comes along and tells you that you should do X, Y and Z in your practice marketing.  And that marketing person may be right... you should keep up with the latest trends... but you SHOULD NOT abandon your current strategies that already work.  That's a big marketing mistake I see in chiropractic practices.  You simply add on or stack the new whiz bang marketing on top of what you are already doing.

But no matter what chiropractic marketing strategies you are using... you need to understand two very critical things in order to be effective with your marketing to get new patients, increase patient retention, and get more new patient referrals.  #1... understand WHO you are trying to talk to with your marketing.  Way to many chiropractors understand that chiropractic should be utilized from birth to death.  BUT... your marketing message shouldn't be that broad.  Each niche or condition that you target should be talking to that ideal patient.

#2 ... you should know exactly WHAT you want your marketing message to do.  There are "clicks", "leads", "views", "patients", "calls" and more. Each marketing campaign should have a very clear objective and follow up system or sequence to nurture the prospect.  At the end of the day the majority are looking for the actual call or schedule with your office.

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