All Posts by Dr. Jeff Uhrmacher

Chiropractic Facebook Marketing


Take a look at this quick chiropractic marketing video.  I want to show you a very common and costly mistake chiropractors (and marketing companies) make when they are running ads on Facebook.

I give you a real live tutorial on how to avoid this mistake when placing your Facebook ad and making sure that you get the most targeted marketing and help attract your ideal new patients.  Let me know if you need help with your local marketing or attracting new patients from the internet and Google.

Chiropractic Report


By far the biggest question I get about the Non-Stop Patient Formula is… “what kind of results can I expect?”.

In this short video I take you inside the monthly reporting I do for one of my current members.  He is in a town of about 130,000 people and is literally pushing his competition out of the first page of Google.  You’ll see how many #1 rankings he has… how many visitors he’s getting to his website… and how many phone calls he’s getting as a result (about every other visitor is calling his office… talk about conversion.)

If you have questions about your area or what the Non-Stop Patient Formula can do for your chiropractic marketing… feel free to shoot me an email and we can schedule a call.

Google+ Local for Chiropractors


The first step in the Non-Stop Patient Formula is claiming your FREE Google+ Local listing.  This video is an actual tutorial of me claiming a chiropractors Google+ Local listing.  This free listing should be the center of your online chiropractic marketing.  Google+ Local is the new way to get new patients online.  If are still spending your time (or paying a company) trying to get your website ranked… you are so yesterday.  It’s been three years now since Google has made the shift for local businesses.

Get the #1 listing in Google+ Local and you will get 39% of the clicks.  That’s 3 times more than #2 and #3.  It crushes the outdated methods you and your ranking company are still using to get your chiropractic website ranked.  Watch the tutorial and get it done.  Done is all that matters.

Chiropractic Facebook Page Photos


In an effort to simplify your chiropractic marketing… I’ve put together a short video tutorial showing you how to change the profile picture and the cover photo on your Chiropractic Facebook Page.  One of the biggest things that kept me from moving my chiropractic marketing online were the technical things.  Even though I believe you should still outsource the technical aspects of your practice marketing… this is really easy once you know how.  I also give you a little extra nugget on what to do with your photo so that Google will give you a little love.

Dating After Marriage


Are you dating your patients?  You should be 😈 But seriously… you should be giving your patients the same attention that got them to be a patient in the first place.  Watch the video above and see how this can affect your chiropractic marketing.  You will see an immediate increase in patient retention and new patient referrals.

Make sure to leave a comment and share below.

GoDaddy For Online Chiropractic Marketing


One of the biggest struggles I hear when it comes to online chiropractic marketing is… “I don’t understand the technical stuff.” “How do I set up my website?” “How do I (you fill in the blank)” Trust me… it was one of my biggest struggles when I got started online years ago. It’s still a struggle as the internet changes on a daily basis.

So I decided to put together a couple tutorials walking you thru getting started online and setting up your chiropractic website. The tutorial will walk you step-by-step thru setting up your Godaddy account and getting the appropriate hosting for you chiropractic website.

You know you need to have your share of the online chiropractic marketing… this is your answer.

Patient Retention Formula


Hands down… what you see in the video above is the single biggest strategy you should be using to double your practice in the next 12 months. But I’m not going to try and convince you of it… I’m just going to give it to you for FREE. And then I’m going to issue you a challenge… prove me wrong.

Because even though this should be the core of every practice… it’s the hardest strategy to get doctors to embrace and implement. Because it’s not exciting and it’s not sexy.

It’s probably the same for most of your patients. Some of the most important things they should be doing… are the things they don’t do. It’s not the new pill or gadget or procedure that they see on TV.

As humans we want the next shiny object… myself included. It really takes discipline to implement the strategies in practice… and in life… that will keep us going long term… not just for today.

So like I said… rather than try and convince you… I’m just going to give it to you… AND I’ll do most of it for you if you’d like me to. And that will be free as well.

So what is it?

It’s my Patient Retention Formula.

And to put it simply… it’s 5 times more expensive to get a new patient than it is to get a current patient to return to you. I see to many doctors spend their hard earned money on trying to get new patients. And you should still work on getting new patients. The problem is… you spend all this money getting a new patient that could be worth twice as much as you’re collecting… if you would just take care of retention. Spend the same amount on your new patient acquisition… and make each patient worth twice as much thru retention.

And what also happens when you focus on patient retention? You end up getting more referrals from your current patients. So each patient is worth additional revenue in patient referrals. This program could probably be called the patient retention and referral formula.

You see… patient retention is more about patient relationship. The better your relationship is with your patients… and the better you communicate with them… the better your retention will be… the better compliance you’ll have… and the more referrals you’ll get.

Take my marriage for example. I could go all day without having much of a conversation with anyone… I’m a bit of an introvert. But I also know that if I don’t talk to my wife throughout the day… or at least listen and let her tell me about her day… our relationship will suffer.

Even if you’re not married… you certainly know that’s true for any dating relationship as well.

So here’s what you’ll get with my Patient Retention Formula. Each month you’ll get a 99% done for you patient newsletter. The letter is written by a team of professional copywriters on various subjects. And the patient newsletter really is the hub of patient retention. You’ll get the newsletter in a Word document each month around the 1st. That way it’s easy to edit.

This is a 4-page patient retention newsletter. You’ll have your cover story that’s more about you and how you can help. It stays pretty generic. And the rest of the newsletter is all about them… in the sense that it’s not about you or your practice ☺

The content is derived from what people are already searching for on a regular basis. This content is meant to create value for your patients. It’s not trying to convince them to come in… it’s really not trying to convince them to refer… it’s simply providing value to them… and keeping a regular line of communication open with them.

I do include an additional 20 pages of content that you can sub in and out of the newsletter. Or you can use that additional content as Facebook content to share.

And you need to be sending this by good old-fashioned regular mail. I can give you all the reasons why… but since I’m not trying to convince you to buy this… and it won’t affect me one way or the other… I’m just going to tell you that every month you need to physically mail this to your current patients. I follow marketers that are way smarter than me and the stats show that the ROI on a paper newsletter beats everything else… it just works. I know it did for my 3 practices.

On top of the patient newsletter you’ll be getting a weekly email for your patients. I know you were wondering about emailing your patients. These emails are on a variety of topics as well. They may be inspirational… they may be health related… they may be about exercise… they may be about diet and nutrition. They’re very benign in nature as well. I won’t get into religion… politics or philosophy ☺ No worries.

Once again… this content is all about your patients and what they’re already looking for. These are generally the most searched topics on the internet. So I just give them what they want.

Now there’s two ways this can go. Each week you’ll get the email just like if you are a patient. You can take that email and send it on to your patients… or… you can have me do it all for you. I can upload your list into my system and at the click of a button I send an email to all your patients… and it looks like it’s coming from you. It has your name… address and phone number merged into it. It also looks like it’s coming from your email address. It’s the same one you’ll get.

I recommend you upload your list with me… because there’s only one way my Patient Retention Formula ever fails… IT DOESN’T GET DONE. Done is all that matters.

You can go into this with great intentions. You start out really good at sending the emails to your patients… and then next thing you know it’s three months later and you aren’t doing it anymore. I know… it happens to me too. That’s why I pay someone to do it all for me… and for you as well. Done is all that matters.

So that’s it. You should see a button… link or banner either here… or here. Click on one of those and it will take you to a simple enrollment form. Fill out the form and you’re in. That’s it. No commitment… it’s not a trial… there’s no credit card required… just my way of trying to do my part.

You might be surprised at how many doctors are out there struggling in practice. I was shocked when I started consulting 6 years ago… and doctors would tell me they couldn’t afford the $297 a month that I normally charge for this program.

It makes me sad to hear it. That also means there are patients out there that aren’t getting the care they should.

Click the button below and start making a change for your practice. I’ve taken away all your excuses. Now all you have to do is take action. I can’t do that for you. Talk to you soon.


Patient Review Formula


The Most Important Way To Market Your Practice

A monumental shift is happening.


Reputation marketing is the most important way to market your practice in 2013 and beyond.  Let me show you a few game changers that have take place over the last few months.  Game changer #1… When a prospective patient does a search for a doctor it reveals your reputation as a doctor.


Game changer #2… Patient reviews are a major factor in almost every type of marketing… not just online marketing.  Because even if your prospective patient gets a marketing piece from you in the mail… or they see you on TV… or hear you on the radio… the next thing people do is Google you.  And bad reviews show up in Google maps… your Google+ Local listing… they show up on Pay Per Click.  They show up in local directories like Yelp, City Search, Bing and Yahoo.  Reviews are a major factor in almost every type of marketing.


Which really leads to game changer number three.  And that’s SEO… social media… Pay Per Click… local marketing… newspaper marketing… direct mail… TV… radio.  None of it works anymore… if you have bad reviews.  It’s pretty simple.  Why would you want to do the work and spend time and spend money getting to the top of Google… or spending money on trying to get new patients… and then when people find you… they find bad reviews.

You need to create a five-star reputation first.  Then you market your office and your services online and offline.  Because again… who wants to be at the top… who wants to get found when all you’re doing is wasting your money.


So let’s take a look at game changer number four.  Five star reviews send you pre-qualified… pre-sold patients.  Because buyers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations.  So reviews can be incredibly bad for you if they’re bad.  But they can be incredibly good for you if they’re good.

72% of buyers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations.  Now… let me ask you… would you rather create a marketing plan around people that don’t know you… don’t like you… don’t trust you… and are always worried about price?

Or would you rather create a marketing plan around people that know you… people that like you… people that trust you… and they’re all referrals?  Of course you want to create a referral plan.

Well for the first time… your online and offline marketing can be just as powerful as referral marketing.  Because three out of four people trust reviews just as much as personal recommendations.


And I want to go even deeper on this.  Nielsen’s rating put on a survey and said look… when it comes to the extent that you trust different forms of advertising… what are the most important things that you trust?

70% trust opinions based on online reviews.  People actually trust consumer opinions posted online… more than an editorial newspaper or article.  You could actually have a newspaper article written about you… that is editorial… and people will not trust that as much as an online review.  So you can see here… all the evidence points to reputation marketing being the most important marketing that you could do for your office.

So if you’re going to do any type of marketing with your practice… it shouldn’t start with the type of marketing the people don’t trust.  Like TV ads at 47%… or e-mail marketing at 50%… or even branded website marketing at 58%.  It should start with the top two recommendations… personal referrals… and consumer opinions posted online… which is reputation marketing.


But how much reputation do you need.  Consumers look up an average of 10 reviews before making a decision.  So all these prospective patients are online looking for reviews.  And more importantly… they’re looking at multiple reviews… not just one or two.

So there it is… 70% of consumers trust a business with a minimum of 6-10 reviews.  That tells me that if patients are looking for 6-10 reviews… and you absolutely need a minimum of ten reviews… that’s the minimum.

You’re not credible without five-star reviews… and a minimum of ten reviews.  Research proves your practice can’t be trusted when patients actually find you.  This is the difference between your phone ringing… and your competitor’s phone ringing instead.


So it’s pretty simple… every practice needs a reputation strategy.  And it probably ranks as the top two things you should be doing for your practice.  That’s why I’ve been doing this for my members for the last 3 years.  Because I can get them ranked number one all day long… but if the prospective patient clicks to their site or directory and sees bad reviews… your phone won’t ring… and they’ll pick the next doctor.

Now all you have to do is go out and get it done.  It takes time and work… but it’s a must… you have to get a 5 Star Reputation… market that reputation.

Unless you want me to do it all for you so you can focus on taking care of your patients… then you need to click on the button below to get started.

It’s real simple… for less than $10 per review… my team will post your legitimate patient testimonials to the top review sites for you.

Let me talk about this posting as well.  I won’t post more than one review per site… per week.  For a long term lasting strategy… don’t try and post more than one review per week to any given site.  Sometimes they’ll stick… but often times it looks spammy and doesn’t.  One a week is kinda the magic number for doctors.  Other businesses like restaurants can get away with more… but I wouldn’t recommend it.  Keep in mind this is a long term strategy.

And I guarantee that you not only get your reviews posted… I guarantee 80% of those reviews will stick and actually show up.  Over the last year docs have been screaming about reviews getting posted by their patients but not showing up.  With my service I guarantee an 80% stick rate.


How about some bonuses.  But these bonuses are only for those that are ready to take action.  I like to reward action takers.  So if you click on the link below and get started today… I’m going to not only post the reviews… I’m going to make sure the links get crawled and indexed by Google.

That alone can get your review on the first page of Google for a related search.  And I’ll do it for every review that I post for you… if you’re an action taker.

I’m also going to up the ante a lot more.  I’ll post the review… I’ll get it crawled and indexed by Google… and I’ll add 100 backlinks to the review so that it has more ranking signals during a local search by your prospective patients.


It’s go time… let’s see all of your marketing efforts multiply by having a 5 star reputation.  Watch the number of referrals that actually take action because they saw your reputation online.  It’s your call.  Click on the button below.


7 Common Patient Review Posting Mistakes


I wanted to add a few of the finer details for you when it comes to the actual posting of patient reviews and how to get more of them to stick.  So here’s a list of strategies I’ve employed with my team that has gotten us 100% stick rate over the last two weeks… which is unheard of.

1. Don’t post more than 1 review per week on any given review site.  I know it’s tempting to go out and start posting like crazy… and you may get a lot of them posted… but I prefer a longer term approach so that the reviews stay posted and build your practice for the long haul.

2. Keep the review relatively short and to the point.  Even if the testimonial is long… take some of the best content and put it in as the review.  I like to make sure they are at least two sentences… but a maximum of two short paragraphs.

3. Don’t try and spam your name, business name or one of your keywords in the review.  I see doctors that try and use the reviews for SEO… but if you use any these more than once it looks spammy and can get the review blacklisted.

4. Speaking of SEO spam… DON’T include a link in the review.

5. Don’t put LOTS OF CAPITAL LETTERS IN THE REVIEW… it gives you a greater chance of getting DENIED.

6. Don’t use !!!! more than one exclamation point in the entire review!!!!

7. Don’t post the reviews from the same IP address.  You are on one IP address at your office and a different IP address at your house… and Starbucks… and Barnes and Noble etc.  Post from multiple IP addresses (my team uses HMA to hide my change IP addresses and successfully post 100’s of reviews)

Those are some of the most common mistakes that doctors are making when it comes to posting reviews.  Let me know if you have any questions… or just want my team to take all the guesswork out of it and do it for you.